Thursday, March 4, 2010

24 Week Check-Up

Although I missed my regular OB, my stand in worked just fine for us and was happy about how everything looked for me and Magnus.

We received the quad-screen test results back and they were all negative! The ultrasound also came back looking great. Had a quick listen to Magnus' heartbeat and it was a strong 145 BPM. My blood pressure was up a tiny bit to 112/60 but I attribute that to the shock I suffered after seeing the digits on the scale. Yikes!!! This is approximately the late-11th grade/early-12th grade weight for Chubby Molly (for those of you who knew me back in the day). So while I understand it's allll gooood, it's still tough to see. So, to date, I've packed on a hearty 18 pounds. There. I said it. 18 POUNDS! And there's more to come...

People aren't afraid to ask me if I'm pregnant these days (you know it could be those mini-donuts!) so I get really excited when people notice and acknowledge it. I've had only a couple people (friends) ask if they could touch the ol' Buddha Belly and I proudly stick it out there for them to feel. I'm not sick of it yet, so get it while you can!

28 week check-up in about 4 weeks so expect an update then. Will probably have belly pics before then.

We love you all!!

-The Stooges-

1 comment:

Mrs. T said...

I can not wait to say hello to Magnus in April when you guys come back home for a visit! I just hope he doesn't kick my hand! LOL!