Thursday, February 5, 2009

Whoah Mamma!

If anyone is counting (although I think it's just Josh and I) we're at 35 days now before we head back to the states.  It's a bit weird to think he's been here nearly two years already.  I remember the day he flew out of LA.  The mere mention of his name brought me to tears.  (My Dad will attest).  My roommate at the time thought it would be a good idea to cheer me up by submerging ourselves in a night of improv comedy.  Kudos Josh Carson!  It was great!  'Course after, we had a couple beers (pitchers) and drowned our sorrows.  LOL.  Well, you all know how this turns out, I get sick of LA (for the second time) and drag my dog through 13 hours in the underbelly of a plane along with the luggage, to set up camp in Korea for a year and a half.  

Here we are nearing the end of this road and so many cool things to look back on.  Here are the top 5 lessons we've learned:

5.  Don't leave any fan unattended; it will kill you.  Fan death is a serious (I'm not even joking) concern here.
4.  Don't ever buy your significant other matching sweatshirts.  It just does not look cool.
3.  The next time you're doting on your cute dog, remind yourself that some people like to eat them.
2.  Don't eat food that has been fermenting in the ground for several months.
1.  If you ever want to visit the far East, stick to A) Cambodia and/or B) Thailand.  Avoid Korea.

AWE SNAP!  Sorry.  That was so harsh!!!  We loved it but in all honesty, we're ready to come home.  

Love you all so very much.  Though we've missed out on wonderful occurrences overseas, we're always thinking of you.

Molly, Josh and Blow-Torch (That's my new nickname for Chloe)