Saturday, July 19, 2008

Some pictures that should inspire our donut business name!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We did it!!

The check has cleared, the shipment is on it's way and our very first mini donut machine has been purchased!!! It's official, we're doin' this baby!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Life as an Army Wife: Episode 4

The 4th episode of my Army Wife series has officially arrived! It's dedicated to a good friend I've made here in Korea who is leaving on Sunday for Taiwan. Mandy is the gal I'm producing a movie mockumentary with.

To view the episode, click on the title of this blog. It's a longer video and I didn't want to upload it to yet another website!

Hope you enjoy. Of course, there is a guest appearance by Chloe!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July Korea-style

It was a modest set up, but a gathering place for Americans and Koreans alike who were celebrating our country. Chloe was a hit, as always, but in general, Koreans don't care for dogs and I got a little nippy with a woman who asked me to remove Chloe from her area because she was eating. We're always cautious when we have Chloe, and we have really good doggy-owner manners. This gal had no reason for asking us to move. I mean if we had a friggin' gigantic dog with fangs who was salivating over her stupid plate of kimchi, then I'd understand. But a pug!?!?! Give me an effing break. Sorry, I was just getting worked up again. Chloe's my baby! Anyhow.

The fireworks were great, we had a blast saying "hi" to familiar faces and we had a fun conversation with a little boy named Colin who told me the chemicals in his glow stick smelled like farts. He was aDORable!

Wishing you all a Happy Fourth. Love you!