Tuesday, April 1, 2008

TEETH promotion

Last January I did a children's show with Theatre Seoul and it's back to haunt me! We've been asked to remount the show in a bigger, fancier theatre in an area that's sure to bring in more money for the producers! Apparantly, there is a big promotional banner near the theatre with our white faces planted on it, but I have yet to see it.

For now, if you feel like it you can check out a quick promotional video from January. Be warned, you may tear up with embarrassment...but then again, it's a kids show!

(Click on the title to take a peek.)


Charlie said...

There's a monster, a monster in the forest!
Keep enjoying it Mol!
:) Jaimers

Anonymous said...

Josh and Molls, we are missing each other, keep on the call, what is the best time to reach you, nite or morning
Dad and Pat