Well, so far the updates on our house have gone quite smoothly and I can say the same for the newest, the kitchen cabinets. When we first moved in, there was linoleum floors and linoleum base board, a smaller fridge, no paint and light cabinets.
First, we painted. Next, we tiled the floors and added wood baseboard that matches the rest of the house. A couple months ago, our neighbors gave us a free fridge because it wasn't keeping things cool. Leave it to Josh to research and fix our problem! Now we've got a great fridge that didn't cost us a nickel! We most recently did our cabinets (kitchen and 2 bathrooms). We sanded them down and Josh sprayed them with a tinted lacquer. We then found some brushed nickle hardware to off-set the darker color. The only thing we have yet to do is new countertops. We're going the money-saving route so I'll keep it a secret and just show you the pictures after it's all complete!
Here are before pictures from when the house was for sale and the after pictures that we've taken!
In baby news, I'm getting bigger by the second. I'll have 19 week belly pictures this weekend and Feb. 4th is our 20 week ultrasound!!
Love you all!

1 comment:
Looks great you guys! I can't wait to see what else you've done!
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