We had a wonderful time visiting family and friends over the holidays in MN. It was such a joy to be with everyone and catch up. We were able to spend time with the Berg's, Buffham's AND the Savage's! We met my parents new addition, Vinny, the little black pug that could. He grew on us quickly and we became..."The three best friends that anyone could have, yes we're the three best friends that anyone could have, yes we're the three best friends that anyone could have and we'll never, ever, ever be apart." (If you know what movie this is from, you ROCK! If not, rent The Hangover.) We took advantage of the snow and went sledding and for exercise, we went jogging through the sidewalk snow piles of 2-3 feet! And we made snow angels, of course.
Judy and Andy were kind enough to watch Chloe and Jack and I'd say their overall report card would be a C+. I think they behaved mostly while we were gone, but started to act up a bit when we were all spending time together. They got into a cupboard and ate up popcorn, trail mix, crackers, Emergen-C and God knows what else. So then we had a couple of sick pups mopin' around. I think they're back to good now.
Josh and I spent our 3rd Anniversary putzing around Albany, OR. We had mexican lunch, and as an anniversary gift to each other, we bought bedding for our bed. We then went and saw Sherlock Holmes ( a must see) and had a romantic italian dinner.
New Year's Eve we hung out with Judy and Andy and counted down with NYC. We were in bed around 10PM!
Now were home and deciding which project to do next. Attached is the first "baby bump" picture I'm putting up and despite the horrendous amount of holiday food I ate, there truly is a baby under that gut somewhere! We're at 16 weeks now and soon I will have another doc's appointment so look for another update.
Happy New Year to all!!
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