For a while now some good friends of ours have offered to watch Magnus overnight so we could have a night all to ourselves, so we finally took them up on the offer and went out for Josh's 32nd Birthday! Saturday night we had a few cocktails and some delicious tapas at Water Street Cafe. Then we headed to Fish Tail Brewery and tasted some of their tasty beer. The plan was to walk the streets of Olympia with the list of hot spots I had generated several days before, but we just couldn't seem to stay up all that very long. We were leaving by 9PM, but we swung by DQ for a double cheeseburger and Blizzard before heading home! In bed by 9:45 baby! That's how these geezers roll these days!
In other news, Magnus had his 9 month appointment the other day and here's how he measured up:
Weight: 22.5 lb (85th percentile)
Height: 29.5 in. (88th percentile)
He's healthy and crawling around like a fool, pulling himself up on everything and clapping his hands and waving! He's such a great boy, we're enjoying our time with him so very, very much.
Here are a couple of pics from the weekend!