Believe it or not, Magnus just had his 4 Month Check-up and here's how things panned out!
He's now:
15.8 lbs. (78th percentile)
25 3/4" long (89th percentile)
He's been having some rice cereal in his bottles but the doc said he's old enough to start eating with a spoon!! Whaaaaahhhh!?!?
He's started this "fake cough" thing which makes Josh and I laugh all the time...he's so dramatic! Wonder where he got that from? He's rolled over from his stomach to his back 3 times and once from his back to his stomach! His favorite thing to play with are wrappers from my protein bars, his best buddy is our pug Jack and he's sleeping pretty much through the whole night! Typically he's in bed by 8:30PM and will wake for food anywhere between 4:30 and 7:30AM! Super cool kid. =)
Two weekends ago, we headed South to visit Grandma Judy and Papa Andy. We drove along the coast for a spell and drove through Astoria, OR, home of The Goonies!!! We stopped in Seaside, OR and let the pugs run along the ocean and they absolutely LOVED IT! Jack didn't know what to do with the sand at first and then when we'd throw something out into the water, they'd both go to fetch it and eventually, when the water came crashing in, they'd put their "turbos" on and start running around in circles like freaks! Good gawd it was hilarious! We got to see Aunt Shelley and her two daughters Mykayla and Mariah! So much fun.
Today, Magnus and I will pick up Grandma Pam from the airport. She'll be here for two weeks and this will be the first time she's seen Magnus since he was about 1 week old. Oh, the changes!!
Love you all and thanks for reading! Pictures above!